المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : EnGLiSh ChAt

02-11-2007, 22:40
سلام الله عليكم ايها المحتذلقون الذين يسوون من انفسهم فلتة ويفتون انجليزي:)

طبعا ماشالله كل شوين جاي عضو ولا مشرف ولا بق بوس<--هذي خاصه لابوسلطان:) ومحط لنا موضوع عن القواعد ولا اساسيات اللغه

طيب الواحد مننا وشلون يعرف كيف مستواه اذا لم يخبرنا ماهو مستواه

طيب وشلون نعرف مستواه ؟؟

عن طريق سماعه وهو يتحدث (تشاتنق)

طبعا هالموضوع بعد إذن مشرفتنا بالمختصر نبيه تشات منها الواحد يشوف كيف هي لغته

طبعا انتي المشرفه علينا وتصححين غلطاتنا اذا جبنا العيد

واذا كان يخالف سياسة هالمضيف معاتس كل الحق بالتصرف فيه

وترى ماكتبت اللي فوق بالعربي الا علشان افهمكم وش ابي ولا اقدر اكتبه بالانجليزي<--ماودك تلايط:)

وأتمنى وهو طلب منكم ..

أننا مانشوف أي كلمة عربية أو انجليزي معرب

ياعيال وراي سفرة لديرة مايحتسون الا انجلش خل اطور انجليزيتي قبل لا اجيب العيد هناك:)

بسم الله نبــدأ

hello evry one

any body want's to chatting with me..?<--you are not easy tankhan:)

02-11-2007, 23:51
...where are you people

ok..i'll talk to my self:)

-->hi tankhan

<--hello my friend..what do you want?

-->nothing just turn your face


<----stupid :)

ريال الفسحه
03-11-2007, 00:30
helooo tan5an

i love you<== انقليزي شوارع :)

i have a question for you

can abo 5laif speak english


pleas answer


03-11-2007, 00:35


sky star are closer :)

ريال الفسحه
03-11-2007, 00:41

may be he speaks another language

الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 3 ( الأعضاء 2 والزوار 1)
‏ريال الفسحه, ‏بالمختصر..

oh,or teatcher here an7sh:)

03-11-2007, 00:52
No ryal i'm not here

you are dreaming


hey boys go to your beds you have work tomorrow

and I have college



03-11-2007, 02:01

bleave me B.R


stop studing because at the end you will study in the kitchen :)

really i wish study in usa high school they study to hard :)

03-11-2007, 08:38
good morning people

every one take today A vacation

and go to sleep

there is Poem says

the sleep for the dog and the fool and the woman


ريال الفسحه
03-11-2007, 22:25
wher are you tan5an?


04-11-2007, 01:09
Sticky = ُمثبت




04-11-2007, 08:51
good morning evry one


no one want's to chat..?


please let this subject for tomorrow , if no one come here ..please close this subject

sorry for disturb you

منصور الغايب
04-11-2007, 14:24
Hi all

Tankhan ... where did you learn English

you can speak very well

your face doesn,t give us this idia ....... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

الشاهري العبيدي
04-11-2007, 20:54
very funny Mr.Mansour

so the face indicates something else........:)

Well, this is a very nice thing to do inhere,...and I would like to thank our Matnokh

hopfully, we can improve somehow

So, our Supervisor (Belmoktaser) what are you up to in your new hous....Almontada alta3leme

I think I talked a lot

well let's here from the rest of the group


منصور الغايب
04-11-2007, 22:06
I am waiting with you :)

04-11-2007, 22:06

hhhhhhhhhh look at the goat face and (ahlob) milk :)

no my friend i love this language too much

and maybe because i see alot of american movies

go to the hell you loser

04-11-2007, 22:10
alshahiry alobaidi

your english level so good

?did you learn it from your work

ريال الفسحه
04-11-2007, 22:55

yes<==it is not yor job


الشاهري العبيدي
05-11-2007, 15:29
Well, to be honest, I love English language since I was a littile kid, so First Tawfeiq Allah for me…,
Second I completed my Degree after high school in the US, and I spent almost 5 years there studying Engineering, that’s how I learned.

Furthermore, my work now require that we do everything in English, even our meetings, and other working issues.

So, what about you Mr.Matnouk, you seem to have good English ability.

Was it school? Or maybe you liked English as well

الشاهري العبيدي
05-11-2007, 15:31

yes<==it is not yor job


Rayial,….good to hear from you inhere,..

Your friend Almatnouk is chatting here, lucky you Fallah People

صدى الشمال
08-11-2007, 13:55
hello evry one

any body want's to chatting with me..?<--you are not easy tankhan

welcome mr. m6noo5

what is your name?


صدى الشمال
08-11-2007, 14:01
wher are you tan5an?


he is bhatha>>>>>>bhatha is hail language

ya mllllli/ what is your name

ablshtkm bhasoaal

تأبط خيرآ
10-11-2007, 01:04
loooooooooooooooool 6nkhan good topic

but really u r face didnt give us any ideal about this nice skill :):)

i tought u were escaped from - al7aier - :):):):)

but this is the 1st discoverd skill from u

nice topic boy

thank u

and play far please :):) :goooood::goooood:

11-11-2007, 03:16

yes<==it is not yor job


In this case you should say : ( None of you business )

11-11-2007, 03:17

hi pals,

how are you doing today?

hope you are fine all

11-11-2007, 15:01
Really, I'm fine because I didn't go to college yesterday & wednesday


thanks brother for asking about us

what a lie <<

I know .. I know .. you mean ryal & tankhan

cross-eyed <<

what about you

How's it going ??


الشاهري العبيدي
11-11-2007, 15:28
I hope I can get back to school, again.

It is been quite long, lucky you who have this opportunity.

Work is killing me really, better to be called the Silent Killer !

For you who still in universities and colleges, believe me, these days will never be forgotten, and one day you will remember what I am talking about.

So enjoy it before you wake up one morning and find yourself graduated !

13-11-2007, 18:38

allah yaruj you :)

you are falleenha so strong :)

fallah is not here it's in another side :7ayyoh:

ملامح شمري
13-01-2008, 09:20
any body want's to chatting with me..?

correct : any body wants to chat with me

13-01-2008, 22:00



? how are you

...... really I want to ask you

? are you 75 years old or it is typo


ريال الفسحه
13-01-2008, 22:05
correct : any body wants to chat with me


tn5an ag3d fiha


there is any misstake?:315r:

ملامح شمري
14-01-2008, 09:01

...... really I want to ask you

? are you 75 years old


hi ian (in a nut.s.h.e.l.l ) .. it's depend, but certainly I'm aging so fast.

وحش الاسلم
23-01-2008, 16:54
waw you now idont think mens from hail there cant speak english becuse ivery man from hail there love agee boy if you inderstand me but now Im sprise thank you all:3ajebni:

25-01-2008, 04:44
Look who is talking !!

British boy :)

anyway ، how are you ؟

and how do you find this forum

‎ Is it good ، or we have to work hard to reach a high level ؟


صدى الشمال
25-01-2008, 15:14
becuse ivery

you want say "because every" sada

09-02-2008, 14:00

Wesh News

Real say Matthew knows Ankulaizi

Since I am okay

09-02-2008, 14:11
In short>>بالمختصر
Is what I write is true

Her okay

09-02-2008, 14:19

translator please (:

hmood if you don't know how to write here

please go to fallat el7jaj (:

nice try ..


09-02-2008, 14:37
Thank you

Mandate teacher

>>بالمختصرIn short

صدى الشمال
11-02-2008, 10:46
please go to fallat el7jaj

It's realy nice place

12-02-2008, 21:22
Bring you good news

I Hamoud Nasser

Become the complainant

LiFe In Al 3zBa
13-02-2008, 16:34
Hi, How are you.. ?

أبو روز
15-02-2008, 03:22
what about you my brother?

LiFe In Al 3zBa
15-02-2008, 09:52
I'm fine.^_^
.How can I help you my brother


16-02-2008, 13:52
Thank God



LiFe In Al 3zBa
17-02-2008, 13:58

Stop I'm Top,,


Don't think about it,,
I'm new member and I'm so boring,,
What can I do in this time ,, !!

17-02-2008, 15:08
Play football or ( play station )


I think it will change your mood



17-02-2008, 15:42
Collecting empty cans and women Play


LiFe In Al 3zBa
17-02-2008, 16:22

You are good boye. I will play Wii not play station. :)


يوسف العطاوي

No way you are bad boy. I will kill you :148r:

18-02-2008, 12:36
Wait wait wait Why did I .........?

Is this the reward of your time it missing something useful Yala sons of this generation to tolerate tips


Your Opinion about to go to the Khor and go along:)

18-02-2008, 12:37
Khalh Chevet Wesh me this and I advise him beautiful and useful tips:wallah_hoo:

18-02-2008, 14:21
Joseph Dear Tramp

What you reeling here

Know what I tell you to write your name

My friend and loyal decile

What you only has the pilgrims welcomed the Laugh Rialuh

18-02-2008, 14:24
Shi your game to mandate Fine

I mean the beautiful game Hhahahahaha

What Ante

Will Imanani to join

18-02-2008, 14:52
Stop talking please ^_^

( al shaki ) you have many mistakes and I didn't understand what you write

maybe you are writing in your native language ، God knows what it is

I think it is Ordo but I'm not sure

C U later

and try to choose simple words ، In English


18-02-2008, 15:56
Stop talking please ^ _ ^

(Honey, I hope that it Taatvhmi

Ante now studying any level

عبدالله معيوف المويس
26-02-2008, 20:56
How are you breaks riyal
I will give you information about your work
First we dont have work break that mean you dont take from your mother tow riyals for break
Second look to number

تحياتي ريال الفسحه